Watter kenmerke van die landdier het vir jou uitgestaan? Het jy miskien verdere navorsing oor die militêre en finansiële mag van Amerika gaan doen? Iets baie merkwaardigs het in die verlede en ook baie onlangs in Washington DC gebeur.
U.S. Department of State. Diplomacy in Action Remarks at the Sister City Agreement Between Washington, D.C. and Rome. Reta Jo Lewis Special Representative for Global Intergovernmental Affairs Washington, DC June 7, 2011
“Good Afternoon everyone. I am honored to be here today to witness the signing of this Sister City agreement between Washington, D.C. and Rome. First I would like to thank Mayor Gray and Mayor Alemanno for inviting me here and signing this agreement today.
Since Secretary Clinton created the office of Global Intergovernmental Affairs a year and a half ago, I have seen first-hand the overwhelming power of Sister City relationships in citizen diplomacy and cultural exchanges.”
Het Openbaring voorspel dat die seedier en die landdier kragte gaan saamsnoer?
Openbaring 13:11,12 EN uit die aarde het ek ’n ander dier sien opkom, en hy het twee horings gehad net soos ’n lam en het gepraat soos ’n draak.12 En hy oefen al die mag van die eerste dier uit voor sy oë, en hy maak dat die aarde en die wat daarop woon, die eerste dier aanbid, waarvan die dodelike wond genees is.
Gaan dit gebeur of het dit al gebeur?
Washington, D.C. and Rome make what could be described as a historic “power couple.” Throughout world history, some of the most significant events have happened in these two cities. Moreover, both capitols are beacons of culture and diplomacy for their respective nations.
Toe ek na die foto van die ondertekinge van die Sister City Agreement kyk, het ek aan Mossulini en die pous gedink. Daar was ook ‘n ondertekening tussen die staat en die kerk.
Hoe is hierdie historiese vereniging gevier?
The “Sister Cities” agreement signed on Tuesday is the first step toward what many in Washington hope will be a strengthened relationship between the two capitals and the beginning of new projects and ventures of mutual interest.
To mark the occasion, the famed Capitoline Venus, one of the best-preserved sculptures to survive from Roman antiquity, will be on exhibit at the West Building Rotunda of the National Gallery of Art, where it will remain until Sept. 5.
The Capitoline Venus, a masterpiece measuring more than six feet in height, has only left Rome on only one other occasion—when Napoleon seized it in 1797. It was returned in 1816.
Kan jy nog onthou wat in die jaar 1798 in Rome gebeur het?
Hier het ons ‘n geval waar Capitoline Venus Rome nie deur ‘n vyand weggeneem is nie. Sy word nou simbool van ‘n verening van die magtigste kerk op aarde met die magtigste land ter wêreld.
Openbaring 13:18 Hier kom die wysheid te pas. Wie die verstand het, laat hom die getal van die dier bereken, want dit is die getal van ’n mens; en sy getal is seshonderd-ses-en-sestig.
Iets wat elke besoeker aan Washington graag wil sien, is die Washington-monument.
”During the American Revolution, he led the colonial forces to victory over the British and became a national hero. In 1787, he was elected president of the convention that wrote the U.S. Constitution.
“Two years later, Washington became America’s first president. Realizing that the way he handled the job would impact how future presidents approached the position, he handed down a legacy of strength, integrity and national purpose. Less than three years after leaving office, he died at his Virginia plantation, Mount Vernon, at age 67.”
Ten einde hierdie volksheld te vereer, is die Washington monument gebou. Die hoeksteen is in 1848 gelê maar is eers in 1884 voltooi. Hoekom so lank? Het Rome ‘n aandeel daaraan?
Toe Pous Pius IX van die monument verneem, doen hy iets interessants. Hy stuur ‘n pragtige marmersteen om die pousdom in die monument te verteenwoordig. Hoe dink julle het sommige Amerikaners hierop gereageer?
Lees gerus die geskiedenis van hierdie steen op internet. Uiteindelik het die Amerikaners die klip stukkend geslaan en in die Potamacrivier gegooi.
Maar wat sê die profesie? Gaan die tweede dier en die eerste dier groot maatjies word? In 1982 het pous Johannes Paulus II ‘n vervanging van die verworpe marmersteen aan Amerika gestuur.
Die Washingtonmonument staan voorwaar as ‘n vervulling van die Bybelprofesie van Openbaring 13. Rome is nie net fisies in die Washingtonmonument nie, hy is ook in die godsdienstige en politieke monumente van Amerika.
Openbaring 13:18 Hier kom die wysheid te pas. Wie die verstand het, laat hom die getal van die dier bereken, want dit is die getal van ’n mens; en sy getal is seshonderd-ses-en-sestig
Waar gaan ons iets Rooms kry wat hierdie getal bevat? Wat was die amptelike taal van die pouse deur die eeue?
Indien jy tydens die middel eeu geleef het, en indien jy kon lees, kon jy ‘n baie interessante dokument gelees het.
Wat het alles hierin geskryf?
“Purportedly (voorgee om te wees) issued by the fourth century Roman Emperor Constantine I, the Donation grants Pope Sylvester I and his successors, as inheritors of St. Peter, dominion over lands in Judea, Greece, Asia, Thrace, and Africa as well as the city of Rome with Italy and the entire Western Roman Empire, while Constantine would retain imperial authority in the Eastern Roman Empire from his new imperial capital of Constantinople. The text claims that the Donation was Constantine’s gift to Sylvester for instructing him in the Christian faith, baptizing him, and miraculously curing him of leprosy.”
Sou jy geglo het dat Konstantyn regtigwaar so goed vir Pous Sylvester I kon wees? Is die pouslike stelsel onfeilbaar? Watter titels is aan die pous toegeken?
The earliest known instance of the phrase Vicarius Filii Dei is in the Donation of Constantine, now dated between the eighth and the ninth centuries AD.
Iemand het die moeite gedoen om ‘n foto van die Latyn van die oorspronklike document af te neem.
Vir hoe lank sou hierdie dokument as outentiek, eg deur die pouse aangehaal word? ‘n Franse Geleerde Vuillemier vra die vraag:
Can these source documents be taken as establishing VICARIUS FILII DEI as an official title of the Papacy?”
En dan antwoord hy:
“From the foregoing, we have learned that the title vicarius Filii Dei has been handed down to us, as one of the titles of the papacy, through a period of one thousand years, and that with the silent sanction of one hundred fifty popes. Armed with this fact, Seventh-day Adventists might, it would seem, quietly face the challenge of any and all the Catholic prelates of America and of the entire world.” Edwin de Kok
Wat is die numeriese waarde van hierdie godslasterlike titel? 666
Openbaring 13:18 Hier kom die wysheid te pas. Wie die verstand het, laat hom die getal van die dier bereken, want dit is die getal van ’n mens; en sy getal is seshonderd-ses-en-sestig.
Kom ons raadpleeg nog meer bronne oor die sogenaamde Skenking van Konstantyn:
Openbaring 13:18 Hier kom die wysheid te pas. Wie die verstand het, laat hom die getal van die dier bereken, want dit is die getal van ’n mens; en sy getal is seshonderd-ses-en-sestig.
“Andreas Helvigius [Helwig], (The Roman Antichrist, immediately betrayed in his own name, that notorious Apocalyptic number [666]; in opposition to the honor and praise of our saviour the Lord Jesus Christ, the one and only high priest of the church, whose office, fraudulently occupied, this person has claimed for himself).
(Wittenberg, Ger.: Laurentius Seuberlichs, 1612). Digital image from the Berlin State Library, 2008.”
Wanneer het hulle uitgevind dat hierdie ‘n vervalsde document is?
”It was also Valla who proved the donation had to have been written several centuries after the death of Constantine (337 A.D.) The Vatican condemned Valla’s scholarly work by listing it in the Index Librorum Prohibitorum, the Index of Prohibited Books of 1559, and as late as 1580 the official edition of the Corpus Juris upheld the genuineness of the False Decretals. So the Donation of Constantine was held to be genuine for centuries.
“Next came Nicholas Krebs of Cuba (c. 1400–1464), Catholic cardinal, scholar, philosopher, who not only popularized the application of the year-day prophetic time measurement to the 2300 years, but in 1440 gave to them a more definite starting point. He championed the authority of councils over that of the pope, pressed for reform of ecclesiastical abuses, exposed the forgery of the Donation of Constantine, and in part anticipated by a century the Copernican theory of the earth’s motion.”
Constantine, and the Supposed Donation
SOURCE: Paul Hutchinson and Winfred E. Garrison, 20 Centuries of Christianity: A Concise History (1st ed.), pp. 70, 71. 1959 by Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc., New York. Used by permission.
p. 70] “Two mistaken ideas about Constantine must be cleared away. One is that he gave the bishop of Rome sovereignty over the city of Rome and its environs; the other [see No. 1312] is that he made Christianity the established and only legal religion of the empire. Actually he did neither. The first of these fables can be easily disposed of. A document known as the “Donation of Constantine” appeared without previous history in a medieval collection of decretals. It purported to be the original text of an edict by which Constantine transferred to Pope Sylvester absolute sovereignty over Rome and a large territory surrounding it.
“In 1440 Laurentius Valla proved conclusively that the Constantine document was a pious fraud and that it had been written several centuries after Constantine’s time. Valla’s argument was never answered and his conclusion is not now disputed.
“In his Annales Ecclesiastici (published 1588-1607) written in advocacy of the papacy and the Catholic Church, he [Baronius] took the position that the falsity of the Donation had been proven and, abandoning its defence, discussed it as a forgery.”
Wanneer het die pousdom uiteindelik erken dat die document ‘n vervalsing is?
“Catholics finally abandoned the defense of the authenticity of the Donation of Constantine shortly after Cesare Baroniuspublished his Annales Ecclesiastici in 1592, which admitted the fraud, although the Donation and title Vicarius Filii Dei continued to appear in Canon law and other Catholic publications well into the 19th century.
Waar vind ons die laaste vermelding van die godslasterlike titel?
During 1965 and 1968, Pope Paul VI (1897-1978, reigned from 1963) used the title vicarius Filii Dei in Acta Apostolicae (Apostolic Constitutions). Each such document, issued over the centuries, is “the highest level of decree issued by the Pope, in the form of a Papal bull. “The next highest category, after an Apostolic Constitution, is an Encyclical Letter.”
“The very foundation of the Papal system is the primacy of Peter, that Peter was constituted the Vicar of the Son of God. This title is found in that document (The Donation of Constantine) which was used from about 752 till the 17th century in establishing and maintaining the temporal power of the Popes.
“This title was employed in a letter of Pope Leo IX to the Patriarch of Constantinople. It was inserted in Gratian’s Canon Law. When Gratian’s work was revised by order of Pius V and the revision was approved and declared faultless by Gregory XIII in 1580, following the Council of Trent, the title appeared in that book of Canon Law.
“It appeared in the history of Labbé, an outstanding Catholic historian of the 17th century. The document containing it was vigorously defended by Binius, a notable scholar and canonist of the 17th century. The title was listed among the titles of the Pope in the theological work of Ferraris in the 18th century.
“Manning employed the title repeatedly in the 19th century. . . ”The Latin vicarius Filii Dei (and its translations into other languages) remained a potent tool for the establishment as well as the maintenance of pontifical power until the very end of the Papal States in 1870 and beyond. Even then, as this book shows, it was not extinguished, since several writers—even some churchmen—kept on using it well into the twentieth century.
Watter negatiewe onthullings maak die Bybel aangaande die antichrist?
Godslsterlik. En ek? Stel homself bo die wet van God. Hoe gehoorsaam is ek? Peuter ek aan die wet van God?
45. Hy vervolg mense wat nie op godsdienstige gebied met hom saamstem nie.
Hoe tree ek teenoor mense op wat theologies met my verskil?
Hy is arrogant. Wat se gesindheid openbaar ek? Die van Jesus of die van Rome?
Filipense 2:3 Moenie iets doen uit selfsug of uit ydele eer nie, maar in nederigheid moet die een die ander hoër ag as homself.
Verse 4-6 Julle moet nie elkeen na sy eie belange omsien nie, maar elkeen ook na die ander s’n.5 Want hierdie gesindheid moet in julle wees wat ook in Christus Jesus was.6 Hy, wat in die gestalte van God was, het dit geen roof geag om aan God gelyk te wees nie,
Verse 7,8 maar het Homself ontledig deur die gestalte van ’n dienskneg aan te neem en aan die mense gelyk geword; en in gedaante gevind as ’n mens, het Hy Homself verneder deur gehoorsaam te word tot die dood toe, ja, die dood van die kruis.